May 2023

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Evaluate Synonyms & Antonyms

Evaluate Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Evaluate: Find a numerical expression or equivalent for (an equation, formula, or function). “substitute numbers in a simple formula and evaluate the answer”. appraise assess calculate check check out classify decide figure out gauge grade weigh assay class criticize estimate guesstimate peg rank rate read reckon size survey evaluate […]

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Dedicated Synonyms & Antonyms

Dedicated Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Dedicated: Exclusively allocated to or intended for a particular purpose. “a dedicated high-speed rail link from the Channel Tunnel”. committed devoted enthusiastic faithful zealous sworn given over to old faithful purposeful single-hearted single-minded true blue true to the end wholehearted   Antonyms of Dedicated: apathetic disloyal inconstant indifferent lethargic


Dark Synonyms & Antonyms

Dark Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Dark: A dark color or shade, especially in a painting. “lights and darks are juxtaposed arbitrarily to create a sense of shallow relief”. black cloudy darkened dim dingy drab dull foggy gloomy misty murky overcast shadowy somber dun dusk faint aphotic atramentous blackish caliginous cimmerian clouded crepuscular dusky grimy

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Huge Synonyms & Antonyms

Huge Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Huge: Extremely large; enormous. “A huge area”. colossal considerable enormous fat full gigantic hefty huge immense massive sizable substantial tremendous vast a whale of a ample awash brimming bulky burly capacious chock-full commodious copious crowded extensive heavy-duty heavyweight hulking humongous husky jumbo mammoth mondo monster oversize packed ponderous prodigious

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Group Synonyms & Antonyms

Group Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Group: A number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together. “a group of boys approached”. association band body class club company crowd faction gang organization party society troop accumulation aggregation assemblage assembly assortment batch battery bevy bunch bundle cartel category chain circle clique clot clump cluster

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Essential Synonyms & Antonyms

Essential Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Essential: Absolutely necessary; extremely important. “it is essential to keep up-to-date records”. crucial fundamental imperative important indispensable main necessary needed vital capital cardinal Chief leading prerequisite principal requisite constitutive foremost must-have necessitous needful required right-hand wanted   Antonyms of Essential: auxiliary extra inessential minor needless nonessential optional secondary subordinate


Grateful synonyms & Antonyms

Grateful Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Grateful: Feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received. “I’m grateful to you for all your help”. thankful appreciative glad indebted obliged thanking appreciatory delighted beholden pleased contented satisfied gratified tickled   Antonyms of Grateful: thoughtless rude inappreciative ungracious inhospitable thankless unappreciative ungrateful mean   Grateful Synonyms


Confused Synonym & Antonyms

Confused Synonym & Antonyms Synonyms of Confused: Lacking order and so difficult to understand. “the confused information supplied by authorities”: baffled befuddled bewildered dazed disorganized distracted muddled perplexed perturbed puzzled abashed addled discombobulated disconcerted flummoxed flustered gone misled nonplussed stumped thrown unscrewed unzipped woolly at a loss at sea at sixes and sevens come apart

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