Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Advocate Synonyms & Antonyms

Advocate Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Advocate: Advocates of social campaigns, on the other hand, often speak in favor of and defend particular ideas, opinions, or movements. backer campaigner defender lawyer promoter proponent supporter apostle attorney champion counsel exponent expounder pleader proposer speaker   Antonyms of Advocate: opponent antagonist assailant enemy opposition protestor   Advocate […]

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Beneficial Synonyms & Antonyms

Beneficial Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Beneficial: ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/ (formal) ​beneficial (to something/somebody) improving a situation; having a helpful or useful effect synonym advantageous, benign constructive favorable good helpful profitable useful valuable favoring gainful good for what ails you healthful propitious salubrious salutary serviceable toward what the doctor ordered wholesome worthy   Antonyms of Beneficial: bad disadvantageous

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Determined Synonyms & Antonyms

Determined Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Determined: having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. “Alina was determined to be heard” decisive dogged purposeful resolute resolved serious single-minded steadfast strong-willed stubborn tenacious bent decided firm fixed obstinate pat persevering set settled bent on buckled down constant earnest hard as nails hardboiled

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Perspective Synonyms & Antonyms

Perspective Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Perspective: Perception also, as we saw, can only be defined in terms of perspectives. angle aspect attitude context mindset prospect viewpoint headset landscape objectivity overview panorama proportion relation relativity scene vista broad view frame of reference relative importance size of it way of looking   Antonyms perspective: orthodoxy unorthodoxy horizontal

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Overall Synonyms & Antonyms

Overall Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Overall:  A large extent; A wide scope; For the most part; Thorough; Global/globally; Universal/universally: comprehensive global long-term blanket sweeping total umbrella all-embracing inclusive long-range thorough   Antonyms of Overall: incomplete narrow specific   Overall Synonyms & Antonyms

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Struggle Synonyms & Antonyms for Struggle

Struggle Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Struggle: Struggle; TO FIGHT. Some of the customers struggled with the robbers: attempt battle clash combat conflict contest effort encounter endeavor skirmish strife trial work brush essay exertion free-for-all grind hassle jam jump labor pains rough-and-tumble roughhouse row scramble set-to striving toil tussle undertaking wrangle long haul   Antonyms of

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Want Synonyms & Antonyms

Want Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Want: Feel or have a desire for; want strongly: need wish appetite craving demand fancy hankering hunger longing necessity requirement thirst yearning yen   Antonyms of Want: dislike distaste hate hatred indifference abundance disinterest plenty   Want Synonyms & Antonyms

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

want synonyms & Antonyms

want synonyms & Antonyms: Synonyms of want: What is another word for want: need wish appetite craving demand fancy hankering hunger longing necessity requirement thirst   Antonyms of Want: dislike distaste hate hatred indifference abundance

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Establish Synonyms & Antonyms

Establish Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Establish: What is another word for establishing: authorize base build create enact form found inaugurate install institute provide put settle start constitute decree domiciliate endow ensconce entrench erect fix ground implant inculcate land live lodge moor originate place plant practice   Antonyms of Establish: destroy end prevent remove ruin

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Passionate Synonyms & Antonyms

Passionate Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of passionate: What is another word for passionate: ardent loving romantic wistful amorous aroused concupiscent desirous erotic heavy hot lascivious libidinous lustful prurient sexy steamy stimulated sultry turned-on wanton   Antonyms of Passionate: apathetic cold cool dull frigid happy indifferent uncaring unenthusiastic   Passionate Synonyms & Antonyms