Powerful Synonyms & Antonyms

Powerful Synonyms & Antonyms having great power or influence: Synonyms of powerful: alluring cogent compelling conclusive convincing credible effective eloquent energetic forceful impressive influential inspiring logical plausible potent powerful valid actuating convictive effectual efficacious efficient enticing forcible impelling inducing inveigling luring moving pointed seductive slick smooth soft sell sound stimulating stringent strong swaying telling touching […]


For example Synonyms & Antonyms

For example Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of for Example: case illustration lesson object part pattern precedent symbol archetype citation copy excuse exemplar exemplification ideal original paradigm quotation representation sample sampling specimen standard stereotype case history case in point   competition undock disorient uncreative unoriginal unoriginality For example Synonyms & Antonyms

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Skills synonyms & Antonyms

Skills Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Skill: What is another word for skill: accomplishment art artistry clout competence dexterity experience expertise finesse ingenuity intelligence job know-how proficiency prowess quickness readiness savvy technique address adroitness aptitude cleverness command craft cunning deftness Dodge ease expertness facility goods handiness knack line makings moxie profession skillfulness sleight smarts stuff

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Enhance synonyms & Antonyms

Enhance Synonyms & Antonyms synonyms of Enhance : appreciate augment boost build-up complement enlarge heighten increase intensify raise reinforce strengthen upgrade adorn aggrandize amplify beautify boom elevate embroider exaggerate exalt lift magnify pad pyramid swell flesh out Antonyms of Enhance diminish discourage hurt lessen lower neglect reduce subtract take away undermine weaken compress condemn contract

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Interest Synonyms & Antonyms

Interest Synonyms &Antonyms synonyms of interest : concern enthusiasm importance passion significance sympathy absorption affection attentiveness care case consequence diversion engrossment excitement game hobby interestedness matter moment note notice pastime preoccupation pursuit racket recreation regard relaxation relevance sport suspicion thing concernment into leisure activity Antonyms of interest indifference insignificance boredom dislike disregard hatred heedlessness ignorance

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Provided Synonyms & Antonyms

Provided Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Provided: What is another word for providing? conditional contingent controlled by determined by providing regulated by   Antonyms of Provided: conceal condemn consume deny disapprove disorganize disperse give up   Provided Synonyms & Antonyms

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Control Synonyms & Antonyms

Control Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Control: What is another word for control: authority curb discipline domination force government jurisdiction management oversight regulation restraint restriction rule supervision ascendancy bridle charge check clout containment determination direction dominion guidance juice limitation manipulation might predomination qualification regimentation ropes strings subjection subordination superintendence   Antonyms of Control: chaos disorganization

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Implement Synonyms & Antonyms

Implement Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Implement: How to use implement in a sentence: appliance gadget instrument utensil apparatus contraption contrivance device equipment Antonyms of Implement: bare stripped   Implement Synonyms & Antonyms

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Identify Synonyms & Antonyms

Identify Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Identify: How to use Identify in a sentence: analyze classify describe determine diagnose establish find name pinpoint select single out spot card catalog distinguish peg place separate tag button down determinate diagnosticate make out pick out   Antonyms of Identify: confuse lose miss   Identify Synonyms & Antonyms

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