Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Also Synonyms & Antonyms

Also Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Also: Also is in addition; too; besides; as well. See additional meanings and similar words. again further likewise more still too besides additionally along along with and as well as well as conjointly furthermore in conjunction with in like manner including more than that moreover on top of over and […]

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

New Synonyms & Antonyms

New Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of New: Refers to something recently made: advanced brand-new contemporary current different late modern original recent state-of-the-art strange unfamiliar unique unusual au courant cutting-edge dewy dissimilar distinct fashionable inexperienced just out latest modernistic modish neoteric new-fangled newfangled novel now spick-and-span topical ultramodern unaccustomed uncontaminated unknown unlike unseasoned unskilled unspoiled untouched

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Many Synonyms & Antonyms

Many Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Many: HOW TO USE MANY IN A SENTENCE: abounding alive with bounteous bountiful copious countless crowded divers frequent innumerable legion lousy with manifold multifarious multifold multiplied multitudinous myriad no end of numberless numerous plentiful populous prevalent rife several sundry teeming umpteen uncounted   Antonyms of Many: all no few

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Wonderful Synonyms & Antonyms

Wonderful Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Wonderful: exciting a feeling of wonder; marvelous or strange: admirable amazing astonishing awesome brilliant cool enjoyable excellent fabulous fantastic fine incredible phenomenal pleasant pleasing remarkable sensational strange superb surprising terrific tremendous wondrous astounding dynamite groovy miraculous peachy prime something else staggering startling stupendous super swell too much unheard-of  

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Information Synonyms & Antonyms

Information Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Information: HOW TO USE INFORMATION IN A SENTENCE : advice clue data info instruction intelligence knowledge material message report science tip word ammo confidence counsel cue dirt dope dossier earful enlightenment erudition illumination leak learning lore network notice notification orientation propaganda scoop score tidings wisdom chapter and verse inside

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Perfect Synonyms & Antonyms

Perfect Synonyms & Antonyms synonyms of perfect: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. excellent foolproof ideal impeccable pure splendid superb absolute accomplished aces adept classical excelling experienced expert finished sound stainless sublime ten utopian A-OK beyond compare blameless indefectible matchless out-of-this-world paradisiac paradisiacal

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Passion Synonyms & Antonyms

Passion Synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of passion: Passion is any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling: affection anger ardor dedication devotion excitement feeling fervor fury intensity joy rage resentment sentiment spirit temper warmth zeal agony animation distress dolor eagerness ecstasy fire fit flare-up frenzy heat hurrah indignation ire misery outbreak outburst paroxysm rapture storm suffering

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Goal Synonyms & Antonyms

Goal Synonyms & Antonyms   Synonyms of goal: A Corpus-based Study of the Near Goal: ambition intention objective target design destination duty end intent limit mark mission object use zero   Antonyms of Goal: opposite reverse   Goal Synonyms & Antonyms

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Use Synonyms & Antonyms

Use synonyms & Antonyms Synonyms of Use: To put into action or service: adoption benefit handling help need operation practice purpose service treatment usage value account advantage appliance applicability appropriateness avail call capitalization cause convenience custom end exercise exercising exertion fitness good habit helpfulness mileage mobilization necessity object occasion point profit reason relevance serviceability usability

Synonyms & ANTONYMS

Things Synonyms & Antonyms

Things Synonyms & Antonyms\ synonyms of things: How to use Things in Sentences: anything business concept concern element everything fact information item material matter object part person phenomenon piece point situation stuff subject word affair apparatus article being body circumstance commodity configuration contrivance corporeality creature device entity existence figure form gadget goods implement individual instrument

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